Tuesday 14 April 2015

Make a strike!!! NOW'L!!!

Peace be upon you. 😊
I'm here at 1am. Still awake.
But actually going to sleep already.

Today i learnt to make a strike!! Haha
Mcm strike bola, msuk dlm goal.hee.
Yah we need to learn to strike our own goals.
We can just start with a goal then develop or improve it to  greater goals.
We can start with try as possible, as hard as we can to achieve our daily goals.
Then, insyaAllah u'll be able to achieve ur life goals.😀
Daily goal seem simple right.
But if u don't put an effort towards it, for sure it will never happen. *but not to deny the Power of Allah towards everythings in this life.
But please bear in mind that Allah will not change someone's life unless they do the changes.

Try!! Try!!! Try!!!
Be strong enough to control urself.
Discipline urself.
People can talk, people can advice, but it still depends on that person whether to change, to do something or not. You get me?

Few days ago, i just watched a talk given by Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor on Youtube.
It amazed me
He said that to be successful, you can not be afraid of anyTHING. Yah, -thing- i capitalized it.
Lebih kurang mcm tu la ayat dy.
Nk berjaya, takleh ad rsa takut.

Fear will haunt you if you don't control it.
To be brave, pray to Allah n work towards it.
Do some effords m never give up!
Never means NEVER ok.??!!! 😁

To correlate it with the first topic stated above, don't be afraid, be brave to achieve ur goal.
Train urself!!
It might be difficult in the beginning but remember this malay quote:
Alah bisa tegal biasa kan? :-D
Alah......, bisa mula2, lama2 biasa la.tak gitu?! Hee 😉

N today, i've made a goal in one strike!!! Even it is quite late that it suppose to be done. But it's still ok.
Biar lmbt asal selamat.
Tp jgn lambat smpi trtinggal. Hee
Aq dh berjaya kemaskn buku2 utk bawa balik khamis ni. Hehehehe.
Hari ni, *skrg, dh msuk selasa dh. Hehehhehe

Yesterday (monday) was a history.
Final exam BIO250 dh jd history dh huhuhuhuhu. 😇

So, time to concentrate on the next goal!!
Wake up at 4.30am. Ok go to sleep now!!😬

1) Make strikes for each goals.
2) Don't be afraid. Be daring.😋
(senyum kura2. Hahahaha)
3) Be strong, control ourself!!

Akhirul kalam. 😴

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Semangat oh semangat

Mulakan dgn Basmallah.

Pernah tak trkadang rsa tak bersemangat.
Tipu sgt klo tak pernah kn. Samada kerap atau rarely happen.

Tika diri rsa tak bersemangat, lantas diri mencari sumber kekuatan.
Dicarinya, di"google"nya, di"insta"nya, mencari secebis kekuatan utk bangkit semula. B-) poyo je ayat.hahhahaha

Pabila rsa mcm tu, ad yg pegi tido, ad yg cari inisiatif lain mcm:
Tgk insta
Dga lagu fav
Tgk gmba2

Mcm2 lg lah. You know it right.

Di 1 ptg, rsa diri mcm malas smcam je.
Tgk inspired people kt insta, fb ke, google kata2 semangat, but it didn't work.
Smpi buntu nk buat ap.
Buka walkman, "what kind of music should i listen at this moment?"
"Arghhhhh!!!!" shouting from the deepest part of the heart.
"Ya Allah. Please help me"
Yah!!! That's it!!
Listening to love letters from the Creator.

Kdg kita lupa, kdg kita alpa.
Itulah manusia.
Tp itu bkn alasan utk kita trus hidup dlm kehidupan yg takda kemajuan.
Saat kita lemah, kita bergesa mencari kekuatan.
Dicarinya di setiap penjuru.
Sebenarnya, kekuatan sebenar kita trletak pd Dia.
Jika kita meletak Dia di hati bkn hanya di mulut atau di "IC", pasti kita tidak merasa kekosongan.

Kita cari, google.sbgai cth, tgk gmba keta mewah, hati berbisik "aq kna belajar, aq nk p study _______, aq nk ni________, aq nk_______ etc.

Di 1 ptg tu trfikir, "eh, do i put "things" as my spirit?" what had happened to me?
Seolah2 kereta, duit, tmpat cntik2 tu sumber kekuatan.pdhal tak pn.
Allah lah sumber kekuatan sebenarnya.
Kerana hanya Allah lah yg menentukan segala2nya.
Hanya Allah yg bleh bg kita semangat kembali. Ko carilah ape bnd skli pn, hebat mna pn, klo Allah tak izinkan, bnda tu tak kn jd.klo buat lah mcm mna pn, ko tolak lah bnda tu mcm mna pn, klo dh Allah kata ko akan dpt, ko kna lalui, it will still happen.
Kun faya kun.

Put trust n have faith in Allah.
Pray to Allah to ease ur way, ur life.
Pray to make u stay zealous.
Pray to Allah to help u to do somethings sincerely.

Never give up in Allah.

Reminder for myself, n might be useful for other. ;-)
Don't lose hope n chance.

Ok. Back to study. My final exam for PHY250 will be on this friday. N biologos wll be on Monday (13 april). What a nightmares.
Ok wake up, grrrrr.aq tak mimpi ok.
Ini betul2, mmg cobaan kn.hee.
Bersabarlah wahai hati.

Terbayang wajah yg tersayang. Oh mak ayah. Waaa!!!
ok W time to relax, chill lah girl.
U know what u want, u know what u can do,
the most important thing is, 

Just keep working, keep fighting,
yg penting kau usaha.
klo tak usaha tu, hmmmm faham2 sni la consequences nye. hee


Footnote: pic tajaan mr google dn seangkatan dgnnya. hehe. Gracias.