Wednesday, 9 December 2015


Hi geng!!
Hope all of you are doing well.
This will be a quick simple entry.

I want to share to you about an android widget.
I've used it since last semester and it has been almost 3-4 months ago.
Here is my testimoni. :-D don't be too serious.hahahaha
Ok cakap panjang2, apa nama dia.hee
Its name is note to do widget.
Here it is

I just love it.
For me, it is simple yet nice, easy to use.
You can just tap on the ✅(right) button when you've done the listed task.

Hopefully, this entry is helpful for all of you.

>From all of me<
>To all of you<
Meh meh meh. 😅

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

"Last Ride"

Hi!! Assalamualaikum.
Peace be upon you
I've started reading english novel just about few days before.
It has been years ago since i last read english novel. *tu pun buku literature english time sekolah. LoL
To be honest, its quite fun.
You just need to keep reading.
Actually, i was very love to "love to read english novel".
During my secondary school, my best buddies used to read english novel.
Have you ever heard that people keep encouraging you to read english stuffs to improve your english?
Yah!!! That's right.
I'm maybe late to realise it, compared to other people.
But wait!! Why do we need to compare our life with others?
Come on guys!!! It's our life.
So, what's wrong. As long as we made it. ;-) 
I'm glad, i'm thankful to Allah for giving me this opportunity.
All praise to Allah.

"LAST RIDE" by Denise Young.
Last ride is my first ride!! B-) 
It is my very first english novel, actually.
This novel was given by my dear lecturer.
Yeah, lecturer you know.
Alhamdulillah, that i have a good relation with my lecturers.
She was my lecturer on english language subject.
This novel has 14 chapters, and i'm already read until chapter 5.(mehhh not more than half, hahaha.but still struggling to finish it) :-D 
I'm also struggling to improve my english skills including speaking, listening, reading and of course writing.
If you notice any mistake that i've made in this entry and other entry, please notify me, please let me know.
I'm still learning.
Hopefully you are willing to help me. ;-) 

By reading novel,
It helps me to improve my vocabulary.
Last but not least, i'm enjoy reading it.
I feel free, *carefree, perhaps.hahahaha

Till we meet again. :-) 

Friday, 13 November 2015

Feel the pain

Hai hai hai.
13 November 2015, Friday
1.14 am
Aq tulis entri ni dlm kemurungan emosi kurang memberangsangkn stabil
This entry is somekind of my confession.
Stay away to avoid vomit due to disgusting sentences in this entry.

Tamatlah penantian utk semester 5.
Result dh keluar.
Time to do postmortem for what i've done in semester 5.
Lahai syg.
Aku tak tau lah nak ckp apa.
But all that i know is YOU'LL GET WHAT U DESERVE!!
And yah, i got what i deserve.

Before i checked the result just now, i keep reminding myself:
After i checked the result, here is my new quote:
Before i checked the result,
All of those memories during semester 5 running in my mind.
It's just like a flashback that we watch in the films.hahaha. Like seriously!!!?

After i checked the result,
First thing to do, i need to feel the pain.
Yeah! I meant it!
Just like stated by dr beni isman on his blog.

Second thing may be i need to do postmortem for what i have done in semester 5 which cause me to get such result.
 Third thing is to RISE AND SHINE!!

It's okay to fall, so that you can wake up.
I still have 1 more semester to go.
And i really CAN NOT miss this last opportunity in DIS (Diploma in Science).

Time to do reflection.
FEEL THE PAIN, so that you know how to push yourself back,
so that you know how it feel,
so that you will do something, give efforts to avoid from feel it in the future!!

Aq tak tahu samada aq berpeluang lagi ataupun tak utk further study in medicine.
I really wanna be a doctor, actually psychiatrist, or a surgeon.
I need to fight more!!
Allah know the best for us.

Wahai hati, bersabarlah.
Sampai ketemu di entri akan dtg.
Wassalam~ (*)

Sunday, 25 October 2015


Assalamualaikum (tak jwb dosa, jwb terima kasih doakan.huhu)
Apa yg bermain dlm minda korang tentang perkataan tu?
Hebat cukup HEBAT
Perkataan HEBAT itu sendiri cukup hebat tafsirannya. Kan?
Ya!! Itu PASTI!!!

Satu hari tu, sya dlm perjalanan blek ke kampus arau.
Naik ETS, pengangkutan awam yg sangat selesa dan cepat.*berbanding bas.
I sat beside a cute girl.
We managed to know each other.
She had a job interview at KL.
She is only 24 years old and she already has MASTER, you know!!
gilelah hebat!!
I'm so inspired!
She took her master program at UK (luckily under scholarship, MARA)
She took Computer Science course.
She is so kind.
She comforted me when I said I still have a long journey to go. fuhhh
She said it's ok to study diploma, even it's quite a long journey, but it's still worth.

It was yesterday.
I met my sisters' friend, yet also my brothers' friend.
He is at the same age of my oldest sister.
I'm again, inspired by this great senior.
He is just 27 years old and he already managed to finish his PhD.
*bapaklah kau
It's great, isn't?
He studied on Biomedical field.
He studied at Japan, under scholarship, under UTM.
One of the places that i really want to go.
He said he can speak Japan.
*dh study kat sna, dah tentu2lah reti ckp sna kan.hahaha.lolol
Waaaa. It's great when we able to speak many kind of languages.
He advised me to do well in my study.

I'm also inspired by my family.
I love them, just the way they are.
I'm agree with this statement:
"Outsiders wouldn't understand what family is"
I salute my oldest sister,
she managed to finish her Master in Business Administration, MBA at the age of 25 years old.
My other siblings also have their own achievements.

Sehari makcik cleaner tak dtg, bleh jadi huru-hara satu aras kami.
I bet aras lain pun sama je kan.
Satu hari tu, hari cuti umum.
Makcik cleaner tak dtg, yelah cuti kot, kau org ni agak2lah.
Makcik tu pun nk spend time dgn family dy.
Dah mcm tongkangpecah.
HEBAT sumbangan makcik cleaner.
HEBAT sumbangan pekerja kutip sampah.


Don't feel sad or demotivate.
You will be happier than before.

SaLaM hEbAt!! :)

Saturday, 24 October 2015


Apa khabar kalian?

Alhamdulillah. dh habis exam!! Sebenarnya dah lama dah habis.
Hari Isnin hari tu. Hari ni dah hari sabtu. hampir seminggu.
Alhamdulillah dah habis part 5 (sem 5)
Sekarang ni tunggu result jelah.

Some of my friends are already ended their practical (she was taking Diploma in Laboratory Medicine), some of them will start their practical, some of them are even finished their diploma.
yah, my cousin, who takes Diploma in Acturial Science already finished in her study.

But I'm here. I still have 1 more semester to go!!
Yeah!! It's such a combination of Oxygen and Potassium = OK.
*wakakaka. Science student may get it in a short time but i'm not sure with other courses.

Some may get sad, demotivate.
Yelah. Tengok org semua dah hbis diploma, tak pun tgh praktikal.
Lagi syok, tengok kwn sebaya dh masuk ijazah.
Kau terkial2 kat diploma lagi. Lagging...

Tapi apa ada hal. hahaha
Don't allow people to define you.
You deserve better than that.
Every people have different paths.
Every people have different skills and expertises.
No need to worry.

Sebenarnya, Diploma Sains ni dah dirombak, gombalkan diperbaik sistem pembelajarannya.
I'm the last batch who need to finish 6 semester instead of 5 semester (for the new batch, oh my junior, you guys are lucky man!!)
Tapi ada baiknya juga sya kat batch ni (bukan batch yg 5 semester).
Yela. Sya tgk, sibuk bebeno junior yang 5 semester je.

Tapi!! Takda la, batch yang 6 semester ni relax je.
Ada juga sibuknya.
Macam biasa, "everything has pros and cons, you got me?!"

So, cuti sem ni masa utk buat "postmortem" sem 5 ritu.hahaha

Buatlah apa yang patut.haha

Assalamualaikum. Nak tulis entry baru yg lebih bermanfaat.hehe

Thursday, 1 October 2015


01 OCTOBER 2015
1st paper (PHYSICS) part 5 DIS
Tak jwb dosa. Jwb, terima kasih doakan saya. :-D 

Alhamdulillah dh hbis 1 paper final exam.
Bru 1, hahahaha. There are 3 more waiting.
ENT= entreprenuership subject
CHM= somehow about you n me, if we have it, its gonna be fun!!hahaha. Ok.hambarrrr. It is Chemistry paper.
BIO= biologos (the origin word) biology

Soalan2 cepu cemas yg terlajak popular time2 gini (final exam) mmg sgt common utk hinggap di telinga para pelajar.
Calon2nya ialah (i mean antaranya.hee):
1- eh, ko dah HABIS STUDY??
2- weh, ____ how about the paper just now???
3- weh, can you answer this question (or that question or bla bla bla) ??? How about this question, can it be this___ bla bla bla
4- CARRYMARK!!!! *muka terkejut
5- ok dh takda point nk tulis apa sbnarnya.hahaha.
And the list goes on......

The lists above are the common questions during final exams, isn't?
Kau student kau tahulah, tmbh2 time jd bdk U.

Some of the questions somehow is not my liking.
It is fine to review past things in order to improve or learn from it.
Sometimes, we just need to look forward.
Can we just concentrate on the things in future?
Can we just be silent, not talking, not criticizing about the PAST things?
Let bygones be bygones, isn't?

If you are a student, my advice is to not to talk about your past papers. You just need to concentrate on the upcoming papers. You had answered it by your best. Leave the rest to Allah. Just pray for it and have FAITH.
Don't mess up your minds lah.
Focus on "what i need to do" instead of "what i had done".
Kalau kau ckp2 psl bnda yg lps pn, ada guna ke? Buat stress lg ada.
And one more advice; do not burden other people.
Well, sometimes you didn't realised that your feeling might be stress by other people if you express it.
Taktau mcm mna nk ckp, tp maksud aku.kalau kau takleh nak tahan mulut kau drpd dok ckp psl perkara2 yg tak perlu, takyah nak stress kan org lain plak.
Cthnya: tak perlu nak tanya kwn2 kau especially this question: how about the paper just now?
If he or she never ask you that question, please don't ask them that question.
Somehow, he/she are (maybe) trying to not to do "not-to-do-things" during examination periods.
Alaaa uoll mesti selalu dengar "to-do things" and "not-to-do things" drpd motivator2 masa zmn sekolah2 dlu kn.
Therefore, you should be able to understand what i'm trying to state.

Ok manyak melapu sudaaaaa. Hahahaha.
Akhirul kalam (mcm karangan time sek tu.haha)
P/s: buang yg keruh ambil yang jernih.
Kalau rsa entry ni byk sgt yg keruh, sila buat filtration or distillation ke.hahahaha

Keep going, keep fighting, keep doing our best!!
Its never too late to be improve your life.

Start it NOW, or never!!!!

Tuesday, 29 September 2015


Assalamualaikum (tak jwb dosa.jwb thanks doakan sya :-) )

I miss my childhood life.
I miss it.
I miss the time when i don't really care about anything
I miss the time when all of my family members are at home.
I miss to play with my sisters n brothers.
I miss being scolded with my mom because i play to much during sunny day.
I miss to be crazy with my younger sister, do crazy stuffs like no one care.
I miss when we were enjoying cycling with my sisters and brothers, with one bicycle but we make it happen to carry 4-5 of us. *if and only if the bicycle can talk, we would already being scolded by it.hahahaha.

I really miss it!!!
I miss all of the things that my family and i did together!!
I miss it, every single moments!!
I miss it, every seconds!!!
I miss it, every laughs n joys!!
I miss it, every ups and downs!!

But nothing to regret.
I still have my family.alhamdulillah.
Today, i have everything that i need, even not everything that i want. But Allah always knows the best for His creations, right.

4 weeks to go. One paper per week.
This thursday (1st October 2015) will be the first final paper for this semester.insyaAllah.
Next papers will be on next Wednesday then, Tuesday and lastly Monday.
All that i need to be now is to be strong!!
No one will do it for you.
It is YOU!!
Yes!! YOU!!

Praise be upon to Allah, The Almighty!!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Mengantuksss~~ 07 July 15


Good evening all!!
Sihat kalian semua?

Now, at 12.05 am on 7 July 2015, i have just ready to do my "things to do" for today.

Because i had a batch meeting, something to discuss about sportday n our new batch tshirt.

It just ended at 11pm, (just now).

I am already feel sleepy, but i know that i have things to be finished by 7 July 2015 before the class begins.

It is not the due date is 7 July, it is just i need to finish it by today, or i'll get more tired, because tomorrow there are things are waiting to be done toooooooo~~ :-S

I feel like wanna sleep. but i know that is shouldn't. Oh Allah. Please give me strength to complete my task smoothly.

I just realised that my class will be startted on 8 am tomorrow.
It makes me feel wanna sleep again!!

Then, i remember that a life as a houseman is no
t an easy task.
 It is need a huge sacrifices, a lot of patience and a very tough mind n body.

The story begins~~
I was accompanied my sister in the hospital for a night.
I saw a doc (a white coat staff, n i thought she is a doctor)
I saw her walked from this corner in that ward to another corner, n to the next corner, and it continued.
I didn't thought that she was a houseman.
I don't know at what time she go back but all that i know, she still at the hospital at 12am.
The next day, she already in the ward, taking the patient's blood. (i don't really know the correct term, forgive me for that)
I was like |-O  :-B  :-?  /:-)
Semalam pun tak tahu dia balik pukul berapa, pagi esok tu dah terpacak kat wad amik darah pesakit. Semalam, dah lewat pun dia belum balik lagi. Fuhhhhh!!!
I salute the doctors!!! including the houseman!!! :-)

That story makes me realise that i must sacrifice something to earn something, i need to be tough, i need to disciplined myself.
Yeh, i want to be a successful doctor, a good doctor for ummah, a motivated person, a hardworking person!!

Then, i need to wake up from my dream and leave my blog, my phone for a while to concentrate on my tasks. :-D

Be zealous!!! B-)
All the best to myself and to you, the readers!!! ;-)

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Sakit pruuuutttttttt????

Hai!! Ye pelik.
Siang tadi baru saja update,
mimpi kot sch (SatuCahayaHarum) ni update lagi.
Bukan mimpi. Ini betul-betul la.

My previous was about my stomache isn’t.
But there was no benefits in that entry.
Therefore, i am here again, menyemak..
to share some tips when you have a stomache.
Some of the tips from my parents and some of them from my aunt.
Here we go~~
Bila sakit perut (ini untuk kes cery berry ya) anda bolehlah mengamalkan mana-mana tips yang anda rasa sesuai.
1)      Minum air suam banyak.
Yaa menang tangga terasa carta.kui3.
Manyak olang suda tauuu maa.
2)      Minum air garam+gula
I am not so sure about the reasons of taking this water.
But from my humble opinion (gitu.haha), I think this water helps to hydrate our body.
as after cery beryy, of course our body will become dehydrated isn’t?
***please correct me if i’m wrong.
3)      Minum air teh kelat.
Meaning, do not mix the tea with sugar.
Yang ini aku pun tak tahu kenapa.
But for me, sedap.hahaha.
Tapi dalam kuantiti yang sedikit sahaja lah ye.
4)      Ambil ubat pil chik eit tek aun.
Entah betul idok ejaannya.
Ubat ini bentuknya macam biji kapas. *kalau siapa pernah tengoklah.
Rasa dia berangin.
Aku dan family mengamalkannya sejak aku kecil lagi.
Nak kata berkesan ke tak, hmmm ntah la.
Setakat ni aku makan, minum, jalan je~~ hahaha
5) Makan pucuk jambu. Yang ni selalu amal time kecik-kecik.
Sakit perut je, mak ayah akan suruh my younger brothers or sisters to pluck that shoots and eat it raw.
Sedap. haha. Semua sedap aku ini. Apa yang tak sedap taktahu lah.kah3.

Bagi aku yang paling best, air garam+gula, aku rasa macam berkesan je.
Mungkin kebetulan ke ape ke. Wallahu a' lam.
tapi semuanya bergantung kepada keredhaan Allah.
Kalau Allah nak bagi kau sembuh, takyah minum ape pun jalan daah.
Apa-apa pun berbalik kepada Allah.
Kun fayakun.
Yang penting kita dah ikhtiar dah.
Berdoa dan bertawakal.
Haa itu ajelah tips yang aku nak kongsikan.
This entry is all about opinions and based on my personal experience.
Hence, no responsibility will be taken by me if anything worst happen to uolls.
Lain perut lainlah reaksinya kan.
eg DOKTOR etc.

Wassalam.... :)

Cobaannnn~~~ Ramadhan

Asssalamualaikum!! Haip! J
Lama sudah aku tak update, tulis entry baru. Padahal cuti sem punyalah lama, 2 bulan.
Ok 2 bulan itu sudah cukup lama bagi aku.
Kalau tak sebulan 2 minggu. Haha. Beza 2 minggu je pon.kui3
Actually my last semester was quite full of activities. Ok poyo.haha
Nanti lah aku cter pasal my last semester break. For me, i was quite fun.
*for me lah.
### Amaran keras :
Isi kandungan mungkin membosankan.

### Selamat membaca vs membosan.hahaha
OK. Entry ni first entry dalam bulan yang sangat mulia iaitu bulan Ramadhan.
So, masih tak lambat lg rasanya aku nak ucapkan
Semoga kita sama-sama memanfaatkan bulan yang mulia ini untuk sama-sama memperbaiki diri dan membentuk modal insan kelas pertama. Aichewahh.hahaha

Hari ini genap 11 Ramadhan 1436 Hijrah.
How’s your terawih?
How’s your tadarus?
How’s your fasting?
Hari ini Allah uji aku dengan sakit perut.
Nampak macam senang je. Biasalah tu kan?
Aku anggap sebagai kifarah dosa.
Lama juga aku tak sakit.
Hence, say Alhamdulillah even when you are a tough test.
It shows that Allah love you.
Allah love all of His creations.
Allah has His own way to show His love.
Please be love to Allah.

Berapa kali daa aku ulang-alik pergi toilet.
Roommate aku pun sakit perut.
So, kitorg suspek nasi yang kitorang makan untuk berbuka semalam sebagai punca.hee
Sebab kitorang beli menu sama.
Hari ni back to basic menu during Ramadhan *for me lahhh.
Nasi kerabu je pilihan kalau dah tak teringin or dah tak tahu sangat dah nak beli apa untuk berbuka.

Sementara tunggu berbuka, aku pun menaip la entry ni.
Next, to do list:
Baca doa sebelum berbuka.
Time ni ustaz cakap antara waktu mustajab berdoa.
Keep it up uollsss!!
Selamat berbuka.
Selamat meneruskan ibadat dalam bulan Ramadhan.
Nantikan my next entry..... J
Makan-makan juga, jangan sampai malas nak beribadah.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Make a strike!!! NOW'L!!!

Peace be upon you. 😊
I'm here at 1am. Still awake.
But actually going to sleep already.

Today i learnt to make a strike!! Haha
Mcm strike bola, msuk dlm goal.hee.
Yah we need to learn to strike our own goals.
We can just start with a goal then develop or improve it to  greater goals.
We can start with try as possible, as hard as we can to achieve our daily goals.
Then, insyaAllah u'll be able to achieve ur life goals.😀
Daily goal seem simple right.
But if u don't put an effort towards it, for sure it will never happen. *but not to deny the Power of Allah towards everythings in this life.
But please bear in mind that Allah will not change someone's life unless they do the changes.

Try!! Try!!! Try!!!
Be strong enough to control urself.
Discipline urself.
People can talk, people can advice, but it still depends on that person whether to change, to do something or not. You get me?

Few days ago, i just watched a talk given by Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor on Youtube.
It amazed me
He said that to be successful, you can not be afraid of anyTHING. Yah, -thing- i capitalized it.
Lebih kurang mcm tu la ayat dy.
Nk berjaya, takleh ad rsa takut.

Fear will haunt you if you don't control it.
To be brave, pray to Allah n work towards it.
Do some effords m never give up!
Never means NEVER ok.??!!! 😁

To correlate it with the first topic stated above, don't be afraid, be brave to achieve ur goal.
Train urself!!
It might be difficult in the beginning but remember this malay quote:
Alah bisa tegal biasa kan? :-D
Alah......, bisa mula2, lama2 biasa la.tak gitu?! Hee 😉

N today, i've made a goal in one strike!!! Even it is quite late that it suppose to be done. But it's still ok.
Biar lmbt asal selamat.
Tp jgn lambat smpi trtinggal. Hee
Aq dh berjaya kemaskn buku2 utk bawa balik khamis ni. Hehehehe.
Hari ni, *skrg, dh msuk selasa dh. Hehehhehe

Yesterday (monday) was a history.
Final exam BIO250 dh jd history dh huhuhuhuhu. 😇

So, time to concentrate on the next goal!!
Wake up at 4.30am. Ok go to sleep now!!😬

1) Make strikes for each goals.
2) Don't be afraid. Be daring.😋
(senyum kura2. Hahahaha)
3) Be strong, control ourself!!

Akhirul kalam. 😴

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Semangat oh semangat

Mulakan dgn Basmallah.

Pernah tak trkadang rsa tak bersemangat.
Tipu sgt klo tak pernah kn. Samada kerap atau rarely happen.

Tika diri rsa tak bersemangat, lantas diri mencari sumber kekuatan.
Dicarinya, di"google"nya, di"insta"nya, mencari secebis kekuatan utk bangkit semula. B-) poyo je ayat.hahhahaha

Pabila rsa mcm tu, ad yg pegi tido, ad yg cari inisiatif lain mcm:
Tgk insta
Dga lagu fav
Tgk gmba2

Mcm2 lg lah. You know it right.

Di 1 ptg, rsa diri mcm malas smcam je.
Tgk inspired people kt insta, fb ke, google kata2 semangat, but it didn't work.
Smpi buntu nk buat ap.
Buka walkman, "what kind of music should i listen at this moment?"
"Arghhhhh!!!!" shouting from the deepest part of the heart.
"Ya Allah. Please help me"
Yah!!! That's it!!
Listening to love letters from the Creator.

Kdg kita lupa, kdg kita alpa.
Itulah manusia.
Tp itu bkn alasan utk kita trus hidup dlm kehidupan yg takda kemajuan.
Saat kita lemah, kita bergesa mencari kekuatan.
Dicarinya di setiap penjuru.
Sebenarnya, kekuatan sebenar kita trletak pd Dia.
Jika kita meletak Dia di hati bkn hanya di mulut atau di "IC", pasti kita tidak merasa kekosongan.

Kita cari, google.sbgai cth, tgk gmba keta mewah, hati berbisik "aq kna belajar, aq nk p study _______, aq nk ni________, aq nk_______ etc.

Di 1 ptg tu trfikir, "eh, do i put "things" as my spirit?" what had happened to me?
Seolah2 kereta, duit, tmpat cntik2 tu sumber kekuatan.pdhal tak pn.
Allah lah sumber kekuatan sebenarnya.
Kerana hanya Allah lah yg menentukan segala2nya.
Hanya Allah yg bleh bg kita semangat kembali. Ko carilah ape bnd skli pn, hebat mna pn, klo Allah tak izinkan, bnda tu tak kn jd.klo buat lah mcm mna pn, ko tolak lah bnda tu mcm mna pn, klo dh Allah kata ko akan dpt, ko kna lalui, it will still happen.
Kun faya kun.

Put trust n have faith in Allah.
Pray to Allah to ease ur way, ur life.
Pray to make u stay zealous.
Pray to Allah to help u to do somethings sincerely.

Never give up in Allah.

Reminder for myself, n might be useful for other. ;-)
Don't lose hope n chance.

Ok. Back to study. My final exam for PHY250 will be on this friday. N biologos wll be on Monday (13 april). What a nightmares.
Ok wake up, tak mimpi ok.
Ini betul2, mmg cobaan kn.hee.
Bersabarlah wahai hati.

Terbayang wajah yg tersayang. Oh mak ayah. Waaa!!!
ok W time to relax, chill lah girl.
U know what u want, u know what u can do,
the most important thing is, 

Just keep working, keep fighting,
yg penting kau usaha.
klo tak usaha tu, hmmmm faham2 sni la consequences nye. hee


Footnote: pic tajaan mr google dn seangkatan dgnnya. hehe. Gracias.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Great brain creating shortstory. whee

There's phrase that sounds like :
Sometimes u need to stay away, so that they will miss u n not taking advantages on ur presence.
Sometimes it can teach them to appreciate u.
N not taking ur for granted.
There's time when u feel that u r not needed by them.
Then, it makes u to go away n find ur happiness.
When u r going to achieve it, they came u.
U get stuck. U dont know what to do n what not to do.
It makes u confuse.
Yah, there's person, whom share their sorrow with u, but they share their happiness wif other.
It's ok. As long as they didn't bother u or mess up ur life.
There's another phrase which states that the right person for u to share ur happiness is the person that always be there during ur down.
Sorry if i'm not wif u, i'm not there, to lend my shoulder during ur sorrow.
U just don't know y i keep gap between us.
There's time that i realise, i mean nothing to u.
I just don't want to be infatuated.
There's no use to wait or chase them when they don't want you.
Sometimes i feel that they take me for granted.
Ooooohhhhh what kind of feeling is this.
Ya Rabbi. Please help me.
I'm pretty sure that that shit feeling came from devil, seiton.

But friend.......
Thank you for helping me.
Sorry for hurting u.
I'm not a perfect person. Nothing is perfect right. But that is not the matter.
I'll try my best. I'll try my very best to not to let u down. I'll try to coax my heart, my mind my to accept u back.
I'll try to be the best friend that i ever be.
I'll just try my best.

Berpuisi di 1 mlm yg tenang.
Puisi ke? Hahaha. Secebis kata2 utk tatapan dan renungan.
Sekadar laju tgn menekan kekunci abjad pada skrin fon. Hahaha

Ok. Sekian. Lusa aka 31 mac 2015 first final paper for this sem.Subjek komputer kot? Ok ape tu?*kata bdk sains.hahahhaa. N this is my first update for this sem i think??!! All the best to all diploma student (UiTM).
Especially my fellow friends. Hidup DIS!! HHAAHAHAHA
Akhirul kalam. Assalamulaikum