Thursday, 1 October 2015


01 OCTOBER 2015
1st paper (PHYSICS) part 5 DIS
Tak jwb dosa. Jwb, terima kasih doakan saya. :-D 

Alhamdulillah dh hbis 1 paper final exam.
Bru 1, hahahaha. There are 3 more waiting.
ENT= entreprenuership subject
CHM= somehow about you n me, if we have it, its gonna be fun!!hahaha. Ok.hambarrrr. It is Chemistry paper.
BIO= biologos (the origin word) biology

Soalan2 cepu cemas yg terlajak popular time2 gini (final exam) mmg sgt common utk hinggap di telinga para pelajar.
Calon2nya ialah (i mean antaranya.hee):
1- eh, ko dah HABIS STUDY??
2- weh, ____ how about the paper just now???
3- weh, can you answer this question (or that question or bla bla bla) ??? How about this question, can it be this___ bla bla bla
4- CARRYMARK!!!! *muka terkejut
5- ok dh takda point nk tulis apa sbnarnya.hahaha.
And the list goes on......

The lists above are the common questions during final exams, isn't?
Kau student kau tahulah, tmbh2 time jd bdk U.

Some of the questions somehow is not my liking.
It is fine to review past things in order to improve or learn from it.
Sometimes, we just need to look forward.
Can we just concentrate on the things in future?
Can we just be silent, not talking, not criticizing about the PAST things?
Let bygones be bygones, isn't?

If you are a student, my advice is to not to talk about your past papers. You just need to concentrate on the upcoming papers. You had answered it by your best. Leave the rest to Allah. Just pray for it and have FAITH.
Don't mess up your minds lah.
Focus on "what i need to do" instead of "what i had done".
Kalau kau ckp2 psl bnda yg lps pn, ada guna ke? Buat stress lg ada.
And one more advice; do not burden other people.
Well, sometimes you didn't realised that your feeling might be stress by other people if you express it.
Taktau mcm mna nk ckp, tp maksud aku.kalau kau takleh nak tahan mulut kau drpd dok ckp psl perkara2 yg tak perlu, takyah nak stress kan org lain plak.
Cthnya: tak perlu nak tanya kwn2 kau especially this question: how about the paper just now?
If he or she never ask you that question, please don't ask them that question.
Somehow, he/she are (maybe) trying to not to do "not-to-do-things" during examination periods.
Alaaa uoll mesti selalu dengar "to-do things" and "not-to-do things" drpd motivator2 masa zmn sekolah2 dlu kn.
Therefore, you should be able to understand what i'm trying to state.

Ok manyak melapu sudaaaaa. Hahahaha.
Akhirul kalam (mcm karangan time sek tu.haha)
P/s: buang yg keruh ambil yang jernih.
Kalau rsa entry ni byk sgt yg keruh, sila buat filtration or distillation ke.hahahaha

Keep going, keep fighting, keep doing our best!!
Its never too late to be improve your life.

Start it NOW, or never!!!!

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