Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Moral of today's lecture

Giving all your emotions
"I did my best, let the rest to Him" 
Is way more meaningful than
Amalan harian

Sangat reflektif dalam kehidupan aku, terutamanya dalam keadaan sekarang ni.. 

Thursday, 17 December 2020

14/12/2020 1:51PM


Is that right?

Is what I’m doing right now is right?

Am I doing it because of Him?

Am I doing it to gain His blessings?

Am I doing it sincerely?

Or am I doing it based on my interest?

Am I doing it just because I think it’s good for me?

Is it really good for me?

I did almost everything that I could.

I join classes, I buy Ebook, just to gain more knowledge.

Gaining more knowledge so that I will not repeat the same mistake, that I will not fail the same test again,

With a hope that this time I do it with a knowledge, not blindly making dumb decision and judgement again.

With a big hope that I would gain what I work on.

Then, I ask myself again, “Am I really doing this sincerely? To gain His blessings? Or am I just doing it to get what I want? Am I?”

Show me guidance..

Show me which path should I take to obtain Your blessings..

Guide me..

Enlighten me..

Bless me..


I have to remind myself, regardless of what I did, it is He, whom will determine what is the best for me.

I must remind myself, to be sincere in what I’m doing right now, to open my heart, to be ready to accept whatever the outcomes could be.

Kun faya kun <3