Tuesday, 3 November 2020


My anxiety...
I want to get rid of it. 
Tired of living with it.. 

For years.... 

Please go away. 

This heart easily pounding hardly.. 
Hardly breathing
Feel like there is something stuck in my throat.. 
Feel hopeless and helpless.. 
It makes me tired all the time
With doing nothing... 
It makes me sleepy but hardly falling asleep 
Not to mention my sleep quality. 
Been haywire... 
Keep waking up
Yet still sleepy... 

I want to live peacefully. 

I think, I need to learn CBT to handle this anxiety. 

My anxiety makes my life miserable... 

Monday, 2 November 2020


Lepas dengar lagu Faizal Tahir (Sejati) & Dato Siti Nurhaliza (Cinta Dirgahayu),
Okay jom, let's get out of the room, and enjoy what you have right now.
Be grateful with what you have right now. 
Don't stress out over things that you can't change. 
Let's start enjoy every moment and start doing our best at this moment.
Dengan mengingati Dia


I'm at my lowest right now 
I feel hopeless
I want this to end
I don't want this feeling 
I pray to Him, everyday, that I will be strong, physically, emotionally, spiritually. 
I'm rarely have dizziness. 
I know the triggering factors of my dizziness.
When I stressed out, I tend to feel dizzy. 
Yup, currently, I feel dizzy. 
Last night, I was so hopeful, that things will get better.
Waking up this morning, I seem to lose that spirit...
Whoever happen to read this, I would thank you so much if you could pray for me, that I will get better, I find the courage to live, to do better, to taste the bittersweet of this life, once again...