Monday, 2 March 2020

Head injury

Mr Andrean 02/03/2020
Dalam kelas tadi, Mr Andrean (neurosurgeon) cerita once upon a time, Dr received referral from another hospital, pt ada laceration kat kepala, pt bleed alot, was treated wrongly, unfortunately died due to hypovolaemic shock (pendarahan yang terlalu banyak).

Teringat pt time elective kat Hospital Taiping.
Ada 2 kes yang aku ingat (so far) :

1) Skull pt dah tertanggal & nampak otak. Pt asystole and pronounced died already. Doctors be like: Haa mana medical students, you all pernah tgk otak fresh2 tak, bukan cadaver punya, Haa pegi la tgk kt red zone tu. Benda macam ni la korang akan hadap nanti, pergi la tengok. Pergi rasa, pakai glove ye. 
Aifa and I with full of enthusiasm went to red zone. 😚 We touched the brain with glove. 😷
Kalau tanya perasaan time tu, hmm bercampur baur la cheq oi. 
Someone, who was alive in the morning, died in the evening... 
Actually pt tu BID (Brought in dead), maksudnya pt dah meninggal before reach hospital pun lagi. 
Kitorang blur2 tanya specialist, Dr F, BID tu apa Dr. Kelakar bila ingat balik, bukannya tanya soalan hitech, tapi soalan abbreviation je 😂 ni benda wajib medical students tanya, especially kalau kt department baru. Ahahahahahaha 

2) Pt - drug abuser, memang tengah high time tu, presented to ED due to burn (tak ingat berapa degree, yg pasti bukan mbbs degree. 😜ðŸĪĢðŸĪĢ) over his left side of head secondary to explosion of gas tank. ðŸ’Ĩ
Nahhhhh, aku pun tak dapat brain, tapi memang laaa, pt tengah high, memang tak rasa sakit langsung laaa. 
The best part is, specialist (supervisor elective kitorg) suruh aku tolong cuci luka pt tu wowww. Aku hantam saja laaa, nak belajaq punya pasaiii. ðŸ‘ŧ
Aku buat slow2 la, sbb takut pt sakit, makanya lambat lee darah yg kering melekat kat rambut dia tu nak hilang, dah keras habeh. Dr nampak, "Wani, awak tonyoh (gosok / sental) kuat2, kalau mcm tu smpi esok pn tak habis awak cuci darah dia tu. Takpe pt tak rasa pun". 😅
Alamak aiii, aku pun tonyoh kuat2 sikit, Yeap tepat sekali, pt memang tak rasa apa2 pun. Lepas tu, aku pun gosok jangan tak gosok, gosok sampai berkilat eh takkk, sampai hilang darah beku tu je. 
Kes ni okay sikit, tak nampak otak. Pt survive. 
Tapi nampak teruk la. Dia cakap tong gas kecik tu terpelanting kat dia time dia tengah bakar sampah belakang rumah. 
Dia tak rasa apa pun, balik rumah, mak dia cakap kepala dia berdarah, ooo mak aiiii ðŸ˜ą
Memang habis hangups rambut dia sebelah kiri tu, kiranya kena left frontal, parietal and temporal. Burn baby burn!!! ðŸ”Ĩ
Pt tu ada hyphema (The presence of blood in the anterior chamber of the eye), ICB (tak sure bleed kt mana). 
Sekian, setelah sekian lama tak update blog hihuhihuhuuuu ðŸĪŠ
Sampai ketemu lagi... 


  1. Hmm..pengajaran, jgn balut head injury yg bleeding smpi jd mega serban to stop the bleeding
    Nice sharing :D
