Monday, 31 December 2018


1 case presentation by Thursday
3 case summaries to be submitted by this Friday
1 proposal

Mega stress triggering factor is EOP (end of semester) examination OnG posting either on next Thursday or Friday

Pray for me!!!

I'm kind of lost of interest in medicine
I don't know whether I choose the right path or not.
I miss my family badly, eventhough I just returned from home yesterday.
Medicine reduces my time with family.
I don't know I can take it or not.

Saturday, 8 December 2018


He teach me to appreciate every single moments.
He teach me on accepting people's flaws.
Something happened, and you decide on how you want to react, what you want to learn from that tragedy.
Surely, He has something for you to learn.

People say
"Don't lose diamond while chasing the glass"
"You don't know which one is diamond or glass, until you lose the diamond"

In my opinion,
    We decide which one is glass, which one is the diamond.
    Everyone has their own flaws
    We decide to see them with their flaws as broken glasses or as glorious diamonds.
    Eventhough there is fake friend...
At least, it is not us.😉

I miss you AA, EZ, WNA, NA, AS.

Monday, 28 May 2018


Erti hidup
Mencari redha Dia

Apabila kita sayang akan sesuatu / seseorang, kita pasti nak dia suka pada kita, pada setiap yang kita lakukan.
Betul tak?
Kita sayang mak ayah kita
Mak ayah kita larang balik lewat malam
Lalu, kita pun balik awal
Sebab apa??? Sebab sayang
Sebab hormat

Itulah erti sebenarnya kasih sayang
Erti hidup 
Kasih sayang pada Allah
Cinta Allah
Sebenar2 kasih

Kita cakap kita sayang Dia
Tapi setiap yang kita lakukan dalam hidup ni,
Agak-agak kita ada tak fikir
Allah bagi tak aku buat macam ni
Allah suka tak kalau aku buat macam ni
Allah murka ke kalau aku buat lagu ni
Allah makin sayang kat aku tak kalau aku buat macam ni
Allah redha tak setiap apa yang aku buat dalam hidup ni

Seorang wanita ini berfikir
Pantaskah tindakan ku ini
Punya redha Ilahi
Atau sekadar menjemput murka-Nya

Untuk siapakah kamu menyukai seseorang
Memendam rasa?
Mengapa disimpan perasaan itu?
Mengapa disemai rasa itu?
Disemai dengan memori2 
Disemai dengan angan2
Yang mungkin hanyalah angan2 mat jenin
Adakah kerana Allah?
Lenakah engkau selama ini?
Kau terfikir atau tidak
Mungkin tindakan kau ini hanyalah menempah murka Dia

Di saat kau ingin melupakannya
Apakah asbabnya?
Adakah hanya kerana mahu menumpukan perhatian kepada pelajaran?
Adakah kerana dia lebih baik dan lebih layak digandingkan dengan seseorang yang jauh lebih baik daripada diri kau?
Maka kamu mahu melupakan dia?
Adakah itu asbabmu wahai sayang???

Tidakkah sepertinya logikmu mengatakan aku lebih tahu untuk siapa si dia dijodohkan?
Siapa kamu sebenarnya?
Benar2 hamba Dia atau sekadar hamba di bibir
Tetapi bertuhankan diri sendiri???
Kamu mahu melupakannya
Tapi sayang....
Apakah asbabmu sayangku permata...

Di manakah sayangmu pada Pemilik hatimu. . .
Di manakah katanya mahu mencari redha Dia. . . . .?
Tetapi setiap tindakan lagaknya hanya untuk kepentingan diri sendiri

Di manakah bukti segala sayang yang kauucapkan
Segala harapan kau
Yakni mencari redha Dia

Sedarlah sayangku
Setiap nafas
Setiap saat
Adalah milik Dia

Jika kaubicarakan
Mahu mencari redha Dia dalam hidup ini
Makanya, setiap saat dalam hidup kau ini mestilah diniatkan untuk mencari redha Dia
Berharap setiap yang kaulakukan itu
Beroleh redhaNya
Dicintai Ilahi

Lupakanlah dia
Lupakanlah perasaan itu
Lepaskanlah rasa yang menyesak dada itu

Dengan kalimah Lailahaillallah
Dengan rasa sayang pada Allah
Dengan cinta pada-Nya
Dengan mengingati suruhan dan larangan-Nya
Dengan pengharapan bahawa ALLAH SUKA, REDHA, IZINKAN AKU dalam tindakanku ini.

InsyaAllah Amin

--> Allah yang beri kita hidup, maka hiduplah kerana Dia
--> buatlah sesuatu perkara dengan akal, dan fikir semoga Allah suka pada apa yang aku lakukan ini.
InsyaAllah amin ☺

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Miss you

I miss her so much

Of course I do contact her

But just feeling to write here

- You don't know how much you love something / someone until you know you will / are lossing / already lose them -


Monday, 5 February 2018

He / She

She's soft yet a really tough one
She is learning yet can be learned
She is full of surprises
She will never be faded
There is only new findings about her, from time to time
She couldn't really talk, but she can makes others to talk
She couldn't really see yet she's the one that instruct others to see
She is the one that perceive
She couldn't move, but without her, others can't move at all.
She is the one that sense thing that sometimes doesn't make sense.. 
Technically, she is the mastermind
She instinctively aware of everything around us. 
She can fall in love within a second after been through a stressful day.
She can make us happy but we can also make her happy.
If we hurt ourselves, we also hurt her.
If she got hurted, we'll be hurted too.. 
She is so busy, but she always make time for us (actually she is busy making time for us)
Eventhough with a really hectic life that she has, she will always make sure that everything is served and stored accordingly.
She's so complicated yet she can be mapped (although might took thousands years)
..... There is a lot more about her to be described 😉

Brain creating ideas how to describe herself

Thursday, 11 January 2018



Pernah tak rasa tertekan sampai dah tak daya nak nangis
Itu semalam

Pernah tak rasa bersyukur sangat sampai rasa nangis 😭
Ini hari ini

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Want to do great thing???

Yeah, there are lot of things that must be learned in order to do great thing. 💪
Umpama masak nasi putih dengan masak nasi bukhari
Ibarat sediakan air kosong dan ABC
Seperti kekal di tempat sendiri atau merantau, mencari sesuatu untuk dipelajari atau disumbangkan di tempat orang
Great efforts --> great results
Maka bertabahlah 😎
Dan teruskan berusaha.
You need to console yourself
Even thousands people in the world trying to console you, but if you dont console yourself, nothing gonna change.
And after all, anything can happen if Allah will it.

Don't worry too much about your ability
You just gonna try harder with time
Never doubt Allah the Most Powerful to give or make anything happen
Train yourself to have faith in Him in every condition
Even when you are at ease or during tough time

Jumaat ni pt git 1, need to submit the proposal with the ethic form to the supervisor.