Thursday, 11 January 2018



Pernah tak rasa tertekan sampai dah tak daya nak nangis
Itu semalam

Pernah tak rasa bersyukur sangat sampai rasa nangis 😭
Ini hari ini

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Want to do great thing???

Yeah, there are lot of things that must be learned in order to do great thing. 💪
Umpama masak nasi putih dengan masak nasi bukhari
Ibarat sediakan air kosong dan ABC
Seperti kekal di tempat sendiri atau merantau, mencari sesuatu untuk dipelajari atau disumbangkan di tempat orang
Great efforts --> great results
Maka bertabahlah 😎
Dan teruskan berusaha.
You need to console yourself
Even thousands people in the world trying to console you, but if you dont console yourself, nothing gonna change.
And after all, anything can happen if Allah will it.

Don't worry too much about your ability
You just gonna try harder with time
Never doubt Allah the Most Powerful to give or make anything happen
Train yourself to have faith in Him in every condition
Even when you are at ease or during tough time

Jumaat ni pt git 1, need to submit the proposal with the ethic form to the supervisor.