Tazkirah jumaat sikit.
tazkirah sangat.huhuhu.
Kenal akan keindahan dan sanggup menyatakan keindahan itu kepada orang lain.
I’m here to share a wonderful issue which is being HAPPY.
What do you think about being happy?
Are you happy right now?
Yes or no? or maybe undefined / “I don’t know whether I’m happy or not”
That last kind of people is in the most dangerous situation. Parah ni. No no no
This post will be in English and Malay Language = rojak bhsa (bukan rojak buah naa.hee).
Please stay tuned ^_^
1 perkara yang sangat indah which is bahagia.
Siapa yang tak mahu bahagia kan?
Orang gila mental pun nak bahagia, sampai terkadang terlebih bahagia,
takpe yang tu kes lain, moga kita masih waras ni dapat kebahagiaan.
Bukan senang nak senang, tapi tak susah nak susah kan.
Tapi sesuatu perkara itu masih boleh tercapai dengan adanya usaha dan izin Allah.
Oleh itu, marilah berusaha mencari kebahagiaan dan memohon izin Allah.
Ok, now. Do you have the answer regarding to question above?
It you still doesn’t know whether you are happy or unhappy, you can check it by take a look at what do you feel just after you wake up in the morning?
Hence, what were you felt this morning? You know it better.
This is as stated by Prof Muhaya in a television program which is Positif pagi.”
You may said you are happy right now, but you should also checked it.
According Prof, there are 4 types of persons in defining their happiness.
Bagi aku, orang yang jenis ni memang sangat ramai dan selalu juga meniti di telinga ni, dan mungkin ada yang pernah meniti di bibir masing-masing.
Come on!! Nak masuk U semestinya ada syarat, tapi tak kan diri sendiri nak rasa seronok aka bahagia pun nak kena ada SYARAT??.
Wake up!!!
Orang kategori ini selalu mengatakan bahawa dia akan bahagia hanya kalau, contohnya:
“Aku akan bahagia kalau aku ada rumah besar”
“Aku akan bahagia kalau aku ada duit banyak”
How do you know you’ll be happy when you have all that “requirements”?
Do you have a guarantee for that?
Pastu, kalau tak dapat tu tak bahagia la?!! Padahal boleh je.
Allah kan ada. Allah yang bagi kebahagian tu.
Ada Allah dalam hati, insyaAllah hati juga akan bahagia.
Kebahagian bersyarat ini juga satu penyakit kronik,
hanya mampu diubati oleh hati itu sendiri.
How do you see the world, how do you see “your world”
Reflect ourself.
How can we be happy, give love to other people while we are hating ourself??!!
The turning point is in you!! YOU YOU YOU!!
To be happy, firstly, we must be grateful and to be grateful, we must belief.
Kerana orang yang paling berjaya ialah orang yang takwa dan bersyukur.
Jika kita berjaya, tentulah kita bahagia kan?
Akan tetapi, kejayaan yang bagaimanakah?
The success that have been stated above, takwa dan syukur.
How can we become happy when we forget to be grateful?
That’s the key. Then, how can we be grateful?
We cann’t just say I’m grateful.
It is not about being grateful in that such way, but be grateful from your HEART.
Even when your heart is too dirty or ugly, and you say you can’t be happy.
No!! Remember! You still have the opportunity to change your life.
What is that kind of opportunity? It is we are still ALIVE.
That is the first thing that we need to be grateful.
Then, start look at the “small” things that count!! Look with your heart, ok?!!
Prof Muhaya teaches us to do “JURNAL KESYUKURAN”.
Kita cuba jadi orang yang melihat kepada kebaikan.
We should list down at least 3 things that we grateful everyday.
For example, reflects yourself,
Breath in deeply, hold and breath out. Feel it!!
“Yeah! I’ve still alive. Alhamdulillah.”
Wake up and recite “Doa bangun tidur”
“Alhamdulillah. I still have hand, mouth to recite dua”
“I have water for taking bath”
“I can feel and see the flow of the water”
BIG WARNING!! Janganlah pula berlama-lamaan dalam bilik air.
Hehe. Tempat syaitan tu.
Kalau kita lama kat tempat dy, so ke arah manakah kita? You know what I meant.
Cuba untuk minimakan tempoh tu. Toksah (takyah) dok berangan sangatlah. Syaitan tu yang dok bisik tu.
Secondly, JURNAL KESEDARAN. List down our attitudes or
We should list down things that we do/did when we meet / treat other people.
-kita jumpa orang, kita tanya nama atau tak, kita dengan orang lain kita hargai atau kita kritik dia. Kita jumpa orang, kita sibuk untuk bercakap atau kita mahu mendengar?
-We are busy to GIVE / TO GET??
Jadi, apabila kita jumpa orang lain: Hargai, sebut kebaikan dan jangan kritik!!
Next step, she teaches us to do “JURNAL BUKTI” (Evidence journal)
We may jot down what are the consequences after we’ve become grateful or any changes
For example;
Hari ini aku senyum pada hampir semua orang yang aku jumpa,
Alhamdulillah murah pula harga nasi aku hari ni, atau mungkin dipermudahkan tak ramai orang beratur”
(Ini untuk contoh pelajar universiti lah. Saya la tu.hahaha.
Banyak lagi contoh, seperti, aku rasa semakin sihat, tadi jalan tak jem, etc.
Itulah antara intipatinya.
May we able to do good things, insyaAllah we’ll be happy.
If you want to watch this slot, you can just watch it at youtube "Positif pagi TV3 Mencari Bahagia bersama Prof Dr Muhaya"